First public sketch
Last month, i have new hobby. wait. hmm it's not new hobby i mean. i like drawing. i can drawing. but not good enough in it. but since last november, i try to draw. i keep on stalk on an awesome blog. that wake me up to start it. i just got impressed by someone in blog. i open then nannyspavillon website. i like about how they drew. i like about this website. it was so different. so i try to make it my inspiration. then...
this is my artwork that adapted from nannyspavillon
maybe it looks like an kindergarten artwork but i tried with my best. i'm not coloring yet. and i like to draw with pen. its more comfortable than pencils i think. because if i have some fault with that, i will try to improve it not erased it. leave a comment if you see it. thanks
lucuuu dan keliatan kaleeem banget na :)
ReplyDeletehaha so thank you. ini newbie bangeeett :3
ReplyDeletekereeen kok na, design interior wannabe sih amin hihi (ngedoain nih)
ReplyDeleteamin amin ghek :')