it's been a half of january 2015. when some resolution post are not seen again. Remember about on first week when people post about their resolution in 2015. Me, wanna make a flashback. When 2014 was being a terrible year i've ever had, The hardest year for my last being teen(my age now is 19) haha so, this is the summary :
1. #hellojakarta
On january 2014 was my 7th month i've been live in jakarta. Working in a company which has the bank as our client, as a programmer. New boarding house and so far better than before. Kitchen available so i can cook whenever i want. First, Why i choose jakarta as my third city i wanna live for? because, before, i'm in love with people that i've seen in blog. They go to cute and vintage place to eat which is i love so much. They attend some workshop that i want (social and some about craft). There's a social community i want to join with. But, when i'm here they was fade. A lot of work, firt semester of college (include on a weekend) are a cause. afterwards, traffic and polution around, rude people, friends with no really friends(i mean, hard to find friends with have a one way think with me. different with schools time. i swear school are the best), bad time management and homesick that come whenever it want, That all makes me lazy to do something. No, now i try to not blame that cause. Why always blamming which is never change the situation by doing nothing?
2. #money-management
Earn money is not easy. the first year having money by own, it's like i wanna buy that i wanna buy those i wanna eat that i wanna eat those. Then, i realize that earn money is not easy as you ask your mom or dad to buy branded-shoes or another-something-branded. Someday, I just took some money at the ATM. Then, the day after or sometimes that night I talk to myself, "Where's my money go?". Not just one times but almost after the magic comes (read:salary) that-unsopposed-short-conversation came.
3. #desease
Did you ever feel that your parents did'nt allow you to buy snack 'dipinggir jalan' because of some reality show on TV was resporting that those snack are making from dangerous ingredients like formalin, unsupposed coloring and blablabla. But when you're not being in around them, you kinda feel you can buy them all. I do. Before the desease comes. It was shocked me out until i must did a small surgery but i'm okey now! alhamdulilah so, the MSG are my enemy (although i still cheat sometimes) but, health is precious.
There's my little summary of my 2014. Just a little for sooo many mistake. looking for great life by making summary then some resolution. Looking backward is fair for better life right? This year will comes with more experience and explore, with craft and travelled, with new inspiring people and relation, with saving money and with blessed by Allah.
nb : sorry for bad gramatical.